Many people are continually in search of a congregation(church) that agrees with their views. New churches are formed, sometimes, for nothing more than this reasoning. In order for this to improve in our lives, we must know what we believe, and why. We must be responsible and accountable. In order to tell the good news to all men, we must know what we are telling. Often men attach themselves to someone
Else's beliefs. This is just easier, I guess, even though it may be for emotional reasons or tradition's sake. I urge all men to not only know, but to be at total peace with their beliefs and that they be rooted and founded in God's Holy Word. I thought it good to start my blog with such a
testament. My statement of faith.
The Old and New
Testaments are covenants from God. These are His, infallible, Word. This Word, is God breathed and completely our source for life and faith. There is no greater authority than God's written Word. This Word is without flaw or error and IS the one and only Truth for, both, life and death. Any and all theology, doctrine, formulation or teaching must be tested, confirmed or rebuked by this written Word of God and It's full counsel. All knowledge and understanding come from God. Many of the expositions of the Word are spiritual, therefore it is the Holy Spirit that provides this understanding, by the Word's revelation, and applies this to men's hearts. Our salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ, is the primary example of this.
God is
Triune. He is a trinity.The one and only God of all the universe. He is
Omnipotent and
omniscient, all seeing and all knowing. He is not bound by anything, any
dimension, or time. God is infinite and eternal, with total perfection in all things(holiness, love, truth, righteousness, etc.). The Godhead is united, in three persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, co-exist and are equal and eternal. They are
separate, yet one. The Deity of each is unquestionable. One God, (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), is the foundation of faith for all Christians.
God (three in one) created ALL things, in heaven and earth. He spoke, and all things were made, by His Word. All things He made and not anything was made the He did not make. God is supremely faithful to every promise. All things He made, work together for good, and benefit those who love Him. Because of His love for us and His grace, that we can not conceive, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ for mankind's redemption. God created man for fellowship with Him and purposed all creation to life and the praise of His glory.
Man, created by God, was made in His image and likeness. God is a trinity and so is man. Man is composed of body, soul and spirit, making him a trinity, in likeness, to God. Free will was given to mankind, by God. We have the ability to choose and decide, life or death. Dominion over all the earth was also gifted to man. Mankind, through sin(a choice), was
separated from God, in the garden, God had made for them. Having corrupted their very own nature, by this act, have no ability, on their own, to return to God, who is without corruption. All men are lost, to God, no matter their character or deeds, and are without hope apart from salvation, in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the only
savior for mankind and the sins of the lost world. He is fully man and fully God. He became the Word, made flesh and walked with mankind on the earth. He was supernaturally conceived by the virgin, Mary, through the Holy Spirit. He was perfect in nature, teaching, obedience and example. He died on a cross as a sacrifice for all mankind, so that we may loose our corrupt nature and return to God, by way of regeneration(born again). He was laid in a tomb, dead, yet, three days later, He arose in a glorified body. For the next 40 days, he was seen several times, by many(more than 500). Giving fellowship and instruction, to his
disciples, He told them He must go to the Father. He said He would send a comforter to remain with us until His return. He said He'd prepare a place for us,
commissioned us and ascended into heaven. He was the victor over all powers of darkness. He conquered death, hell and the grave and restored to the believer, that which was lost, in the garden. He lives and reigns at the right hand of the Father and is our intercessor,for Him. The redemptive work of Jesus, during those three days, is sufficient for all time, to those who'd believe. He bore ALL sin and defeated ALL opposition(to himself AND us). Now He shares(gives) the result of His work, to us. We need not fight any battle that He has already won for us. Jesus is the Head of the body(church), He is the groom and we are the bride. He will return for us, some day. Meanwhile, we are left here to,
Eagerly await His return, Go and tell the gospel to all men, Increase and prosper.Salvation, is a gift from God, provided completely by His grace. The gift is not deserved, bargained for, or earned. It IS a gift! We receive this gift through faith, in Jesus Christ. We must repent(change our mind, direction, cause) and turn from sin, looking to Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection, as our light for life. Through this acceptance, we may be reborn, anew, by the Holy Spirit. A new creature, we become, growing on a new plain, from what we knew before. By way of, the complete and finished redemptive work, of Jesus, there is freedom from sin(judgement), forgiveness of sins, and liberation from bondage, of the world and it's afflictions. The Holy Spirit, now lives in us!
The Holy Spirit (Giver of Life, Comforter) is here, in the earth, preparing the church, for the return of Jesus. Among the manifestations and works of the Holy Spirit is His ability to convict the lost of the world. He calls, we answer. He chose us, we didn't choose Him. When the Spirit's work is complete and the gospel is preached to All the world, Jesus will return!
It is available to all believers, to submit fully and be immersed(baptised) in the Holy Spirit. This full time, spirit walk, in sanctification is not chosen by all. God's promise, that the Holy Spirit would be sent, in power, was to, all, men, who believed. Showing that this is not salvation, itself, but, a spiritual growth after regeneration. Though we are commanded of God to do this(in His word), He does not force us. The activation of Holy Spirit, in our life, too, is a gift, and must be accepted by our choice. God will not impose on us, any gift. It is His delight, when we receive what He has offered and like salvation, man could never deserve or earn this gift, either. The gifts(Faith,
Discerning of spirits, Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Healing, Working of miracles, Tongues, Interpreting tongues, and Prophecy) and fruits(Love, Peace, Joy,
Long suffering, Gentleness, Meekness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Patience) of the Holy Spirit are sovereign actions, from God, for the edification of the church. Jesus told us, before His
Ascension, of (certain) signs, that would follow those who believed. These manifestations are evidence of the will of God, for us, in these last days.
The Church, is made up of all
believers. It is neither, Jew nor Gentile, Male nor Female and has NO denominational identification. The Church is both the Body of Christ and His Bride. The purpose of the Church is to prepare and edify(make
disciples of) the saints for service to the Lord, that each may fulfill the commission of Christ and reconcile all men, that would believe, unto Him by telling the good news of Jesus, His death, burial, and
resurrection. The
corporate church, is where we bind
our self with other believers, in obedience and join in one accord to worship and praise God. The observance of sacraments(Lord's Supper, Baptism, application of good works), is a small part of the church's fulfillment of Jesus' call and teaching.
Discipleship and the teachings of God's Word are the larger part and responsibility. Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly! Believers and the
corporate church need to busy themselves with this work, among and to, the saints. How may we have this life? In this, we may better prepare the church to be the example Jesus intended, rather than judges.
If I be lifted up, I will draw men unto me, said the Lord.