Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who am I who was I

Who am I ? Who was I ?

I was corrupt and in the world.......He cleaned me up and seperated me for His pleasure and purpose
I was overwhelmed and fell short.......He forgave me and showed me His love
I lost my mind......... He gave me His
I was affraid and fled the light.............He made me the light and told me to shine to the world
I was sickly and weak.......He healed and restored me, whole, forever
I had many enemies.....He promised; no weapon formed against me, would prosper
I had no confidence...He assured my success...Whom shall I fear?
I had no knowledge or understanding....He revealed Himself to me and made me complete
I thought I dissapointed God.... He loves me and is well pleased...wants to spend time with me, daily...He knows my name...HE IS NOT MAD AT ME
I sought to gain His approval...It was a wasted effort, He created me in His image
I didn't know He trusted me......He gave me dominion over the world
I did not know if I would win......He won for me and allows me victories, every day
Tradition had me lined up to fail....He allowed His word in my heart and I overcame tradition
I did not know what to believe.....I was delivered from unbelief
I wondered where I'd end up...He made me a citizen of the kingdom.
I needed a purpose......He ask me to follow Him and made me a part of the Royal Preisthood
I was accused by the world......He made me righteous
The enemy said, "yeh, but you are still poor".....He told me I was delivered from lack, it had been defeated and He owned the cattle on a thousand hillsides, And I...(AM), joint heir
I thought I was empty....He gave me All things, filled me with His Spirit, and surrounded me with His love
I then ask for blessing....He said all is yours, already...only learn to receive what has been given
I needed direction.....He illuminated my path and ordered my steps
I needed strength..........He gave me His power
I hadn't enough faith....He gave me His
I wanted assurance.......He gave me His promises....and had them written down
I wanted to get through to God....Jesus Is my intercessor
I cried because I was alone.....He sent, the promise of God, His Spirit, to live in me
I wanted a family.....He called me son

.......Thanks Dad......


......"Yes...yes you can".....

"I will never leave you.....The Holy Spirit lives in you....We are ONE!"

He had to go away.......

He ask me to be Him... until He comes back

How will I know If I am doing it right?......

Signs and wonders will follow you

Are You sure???....

YES.... Do it in MY NAME

Love you

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Nicolaitanes

Greetings Saints,
As promised, A study of this false doctrine and it's spirit. This spirit is alive and thriving in the body today. This is a source of confusion and is readily grasped by many church goers, today. So let's get into it, and please, as always, get confirmation in God's word.
The word Nicolaitanes is given to describe a group of adherents to a christian heresy. This is a wrong teaching, with false doctrine, hence the word heresy is appropriately applied. The word is greek. A compound word made of three root words. Because this is a proper noun, it is translated to English in the form you read here. The first root word, from the greek is, Nikos. This is defined as; a conquest; triumph; conquered; and by implication, dominancy over the defeated. The second root word is, laos, people. The Nikos-laos, another use is Nicolas (english), means; one who is victorious over the people. Laos, means laymen and further, laiton; a Greek phrase meaning the laity. The third root in Nicolaitanes, is ton, as we seen in laiton. This, Nickos-laos-ton, becomes Nicolaitanes, a proper noun, in English, meaning; the bishops and prelates of the Church have gained a triumphal victory or conquest over the laiton, or laity, until they have been compelled to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become that thing that God hates! The saddest thing thus far, may be, that there are those in the Christian Church, who do not hold to the doctrines of the Nicolaitanes, yet practice their deeds of dominating the laity by lording it over the Church of Jesus Christ, no matter the denomination. This Church, which should be subject only to one Divine Master. It is worthy to note that often, these have assumed this lordship because they are esteemed very highly in love for their work's sake, but have become vainly puffed up, in their fleshly mind. Brothers!, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees."

Now, moving on, I could easily go deep into history and tell of the first Roman Church and say much of the first seven deacons, in the early church. One of which was named Nicholas, who is often credited with Nicholaism. He was granted this title, not by his own will, but by others seeking to lend credibility to the doctrines. And we could hang about and discuss much history. This not the purpose, at all, let's speak of more relevant matters. Getting to the beginning and on to today, with understanding. Nicolaitane or follower of Nicolas, had its origin in Nimrod. Nimrod was the first Nicholas. Genesis 10:8 Nimrod, with in 200 years of the flood, had conquered the people and founded civilization. During his life, he commanded his subjects to worship him, rather than God. He was later, after his death, called Baal. Now I'm not going to try to get you to stop your Christmas traditions, but another name for him was Santa. YES, Saint Nicholas is Santa Claus. Many unknowingly honor Nimrod every December 25th. This is not the focus of this study, yet it could not be omitted. We all know Santa is not dominating us......hopefully.
Lets go to a few scriptures. 1 Timothy 5:17. Let the elders that rule well, meaning to guide - lead - preside well, be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labour in the word and doctrine. Wonder why to lead and guide is stressed and nothing of drive, dictate or dominate is referenced. The way Matthew states it in Matthew 23:8-11 There is but one Divine head and all else are servants. The Nicolaitanian spirit is active today. Church boards and deacons out of scriptural harmony with God, ruling over, and stating who may and who may not. God hates their deeds, I tell you. There have been many denominations started on the precept of a man being over another. How did we get so far out of wack? Deacons, who are supposed to be lower than any member and serving all, helping others above themselves, how did this office get to become the chief administrators in traditional churches today? Having more say than anyone and most assuredly, giving a false pretence of authority in any church, exercising dominion over the laity. And, albut forsaking the qualifications of this office, while replacing them with others, that were never intended, but make one feel superior today. Well he is man of one wife! Some will gladly add living wife....But he don't read, study or pray. If he did, understanding of those last two entries would be known. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost! Don't even know Him and openly refute His gifts. Must be an example in life as one who has experience, spiritually. Yet, lives defeated, sick feeble, and little or no witness, not apt to teach and does not know. Deacons were not meant to lord over or run the church, any church. A dictator bishop is just as common and just as out of line. Lead, guide, and submit to the head>>.. No not you pastor, not you teacher, wait a minute, Elder, the Holy Ghost is the head. The clergy is not to be exalted. We all have done it, one way or another. Let's go with what Jesus says, "he who desires to be first, must be last."
These doctrines are not only limited to leadership. Lets talk of some others. Jude 1:4 warns of ungodly men, who were,"turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness." The Nicolaitanes were willing to accept Jesus as their savior but not their Lord and Master. Sound familiar? Luke 6:46 Jesus ask why do you call me Lord and not do what I say. Like other false teachings, of that time and this, the Gnostics shared a common view of spiritual knowledge through mystical experiences. They foolishly believed that this knowledge alone was sufficient for salvation. Sorta like today, tradition speaks; believe in Jesus and go to heaven. Leaving out much needed repentance and confession. How many line the church benches, having not a relationship or experience that is genuine. Do you see how dangerous and why Jesus hates the deeds of this doctrine. The Revelation of Jesus Christ mentions, Nicolaitanes twice in chapter 2. It is both, deeds and doctrines, mentioned to the two churches in Verses 6, and 15. The Lord demands repentance on the part of those who hold and practice these things and He threatens drastic punishment if they do not obey Him:
"Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth," (Revelation 2:16).
We must be on our guard, always, for false doctrines. In a religious setting, laced with some good old familiar tradition and a sensation of comfort, we just may not see it right off. God is not the author of confusion and His word is plain. You can't think your way saved and man is not to have dominion over another in an ecclesiastical setting. This is easier to see in some denominations than others, but, none are exempt. Anywhere there is authority, there is an opportunity for it to be mishandled. ALL authority is given of God. And anywhere salvation is explained without repentance, it's a miss. You can ABC til the cows come home and it won't mean a thing until there is repentance. Salvation is a gift of Grace and can not be earned. Believe in your heart...not your head. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Confess Jesus! and Speak Life to everyone, Jesus came, so that we may HAVE...Life. My hope, is that this ministers to you.
Love ya


Friday, August 21, 2009

The Wall Of Life

The Wall of Life

Consider this heavily, brethern. Jesus, is the corner stone. The stone, by which all is aligned and supported. This is figurative, but quite literal, as it pertains to construction and our lives. Now the corner stone is in place, (it is finished) and we start to lay more stones to the structure and add to the kingdom, by our works. Going from the first cornerstone to the next, it is fairly easy to get the next stone straight, level and plumb. We can lay one stone to another almost identical and same in results. We can go....one day, in life without messing up.....maybe. A funny thing......If we get out of line or level or plumb just the slightest fraction of a little bit, we have altered the "course". A block wall that is out of line 1/8 inch in a foot, will be out be out a whole inch in 8 feet.......10 inches in 80 feet.....100 inches in 800 feet. I think you get the picture. Compare this wall to life, for a moment. Note some, will not even acknowledge the corner stone. What possible chance do they have of staying in line and on course? We go, find the corner stone, (reborn) start laying our wall ( building the kingdom). The corner stone (Jesus) is the perfect expample, it is easy to lay a (1) stone next to it (for a short time) and make it the same. But one stone is not near a wall (short time is not a life) and we got to build a wall (LIVE), not easy. We have to work. That alone may help some. Some who would think they do not have to. The preacher will do it. Right? Somebody else will. I can't, just now. Maybe later. Maybe? Going on; The world will offer different models, different ways to measure, maybe even try to get you to substitute lessor materials, than the stone you've been told and know, to use. Lure you with promise of profit. Burden you with material bills. Impede your progress in many ways. Hinder labor, effect desire to excell, get you more focused on playing than working. Your flesh may hurt, your strength may vary, your desire to accomplish, may be clouded by weariness and fatigue. Excellence is mostly the last thing on your mind.......... Did you forget to go back and take note of the corner stone? Is your wall straight? Are you getting anything done, for the kingdom? If we would take note of Jesus, before every work, we could start to see excellence, in our wall. The Bible in Matthew 6 tells us; to put our stores in the kingdom first. Hard to get side tracked when God's kingdom is the focus. Amen? Sometimes these walls are so far out.....they have be completely torn down. The Bible says we must be broken to yield, to Him. When the wall is destroyed, the original project remains,(God's call is without repentance) so how then are we to get started back building the wall, how will we begin, what do I need to start, I don't want to, I can't! but what am I gonna.........It has been such a long time since I was on track> my wall is awful, what can I do with this mess! WHAT SHALL I DO!!!.......OH, yesss. Mmmm. The corner stone.....It (He) is still intact. Still straight, still level, and still plumb. STILL ON THE THRONE! Glory!!Waiting. Waiting for us to build on Him. You know, Block and brick layers use a string line to keep their work straight. They refer to it with every action. That string is the very thing, that keeps them on course. This string can establish; right from left and up from down. If this string is used properly......the wall (your life), will not be out of line. Yet, this string, it is not their foundation, but a guide. IT IS, required, for excellent accomplishment. There is another thing that layers use......mortar. This is soft at first then sets up hard, to hold the stones in place. A great assistance, in the integrity of any wall (life). This mortar... is our understanding. Until we apply the mortar, we are not solid in our construction. I contend to you all, who would hear and read; The corner stone is JESUS CHRIST.......The string, is the WORD OF GOD (Bible).........and the wall of accomplishment is YOUR VERY LIFE! And the mortar is your UNDERSTANDING/ APPLICATION! See, All through time, God has wanted us to build and establish His kingdom....here. It is established, in heaven, just not here....yet. This is evident in Jesus teaching us to pray...."Thy kingdom come". In the earliest of times men jacked it up, plenty. So God sent His Son to be the corner stone of the church and to provide a way for us to be saved from death and sin. We have to "lay hold" of the commissioned work, set before us. Build and quit tearing down! LOOK at Jesus (cornerstone), stay lined with God's Word (string line), and accomplish your intended abundant life (straight, level, plumb wall), in the CONSTANT (never ceasing) pursuit of excellence! Applying understanding and wisdom (mortar)! It is inconceivable to lay a wall (live) with out these guides. All else is merely the stacking of stones. Action without result.................... Not really living........at all.
I hope this has blessed you.
Love to all


Monday, August 3, 2009


I have received a lot of questions about the "afterlife", as it were, lately. I confess, I have not looked at it as an afterlife, in quite some time. Life is eternal and the realization of this has made it's view more in stages than segments. I don't think of the "after", anymore than I wonder about life in my 50's- 60's and beyond, here, still in this earthen vessel. It is only another level of growth. Advancement, even. I delivered a teaching on the judgements, not long ago. Here, I recall, a summerization of that teaching. This is written in the Bible, yet few do the research for themselves. I hope this helps you.
Here goes;
There are 3 judgment places and 3 thrones
1)The "Judgment Seat of Christ" 2 Cor 5:10For believers only "In the Air"
2)The "Throne of Glory" Matt 25:31-32 For the Nations "On the Earth"
3)The "Great White Throne" Rev 20:11-12For the wicked dead"In Heaven"

There are 5 judgments in all;
1) Believers for sin
2)Believers for works
3)The Jews
4)The Nations
5)The Wicked DeadJudgment

1*Believers as to sin, AD 30 at CalvaryBased on finished work of ChristJesus died to justify the believer. This judgment is past. Rom 10:4 - There is now no condemnation (judgment) to those that are in Christ. Rom 8:1-2 & John 5:24 - It was settled at the Cross! The judgment of believers is 3 fold, however. We are judged as a"sinner", a "son", and as a "servant", all three. As before stated the judgment as a sinner is past, already. As soon as a sinner accepts Jesus as personal saviour that settles sin judgement for them. Because our iniquities were laid on Him and are not on us. (Isa 53:5-6) This is atonement, for Adam's disobedience in the "Garden of Eden". The tendency to sin does not leave us with the new birth. We do get a counter force known as, the "new nature or new man". We become dual personalities, old and new together. The predominate nature depends on which we feed and which we starve. We take in this nourishment through the ear gate, the eye gate, mostly. Paul tells of this warfare in Romans7:1-25. This is continual until death of the flesh, then the old nature is gone. "Sins" are different than sin. Sins are outward acts of wrong doing. We give in to these because of our tendancy to sin. These are put away, daily, by confession. 1John 2:1 and 1John 1:9 tell of this.
Our judgement as "Sons" is for unconfessed sins. Heb 12:5-11 - We should then, judge ourselves. It is our duty as Sons. 1 Cor 11:31-32 Confess our sins. We judge our selves and confess and He is just to forgive. Jesus is our advocate with the Father. In the judgement as a "servant", we move to the 2nd judgement, 2*believers for works. This is future and results in reward or loss. This takesplace after the Church is caught out, "in the air", at the JudgementSeat of Christ. 2 Cor 5:10 -Believers only 1Cor 4:51 Thess 4:17 This judgement is not a trial or test. Saved or lost, pass or fail, Heaven or Hell, has already been answered.1 Cor 9:24-271 Cor 3:11-15 The Crownings 1)Crown of Life ,A martyr's crown, Jas 1:12 Rev 2:10 This refers to martyrs of the tribulation period 2)Crown of Glory, For Elders or Pastors, 1Peter 5:2,4 3)Crown of Rejoicing, Soul winners crown,1 Thess 2:19-20 Phil 4:1 4) Crown of Righteousness, For those who love his appearing 2 Tim 4:8 5) Crown Incorruptible, Victor's crown, Those who do not give in to fleshly lust but "keep under their body"1 Cor 9:25-27 1 John 2:28 The Third Judgement, 3*For the Jews in the time of the Great Tribulation, takes place in Jerusalem and surrounding area. It is based on the rejection of the Godhead and will result in their conversion as they receive Christ as their Messiah. This is future. References of refusal 1 Sam 8:7. God the Father refused, Luke 23:18 God the Son refused, Acts 7:51,54-60 God the Holy Spirit refused. This is fairly involved and we not Jewish, we are "the church", so I move on. Judgement Four, 4*The Nations are judged in the revelation of Christ at the Throne of Glory, on Earth, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat. It is based on the nations treatment of Christ's brethren, the Jews. The result will be,some are saved and some destroyed. This is future. Matt 25:31-46 Joel 3:1-2 Rev 21:24 Judgement Five, 5* The wicked dead will be judged during the renovation of the Earth byFire, before the Great White Throne. This is based on their works and will result in being cast in the Lake of Fire. This is future. Rev 20:11-15 This takes place at close of millennium, a thousand years after the judgement of the nations. The Great White Throne will not be on the Earth. The earth will be on fire. 2Peter 3:7 This is a sad judgement. It will include many "good" people. Only they refused Christ. There will be varing degrees of punishment, but none will escape. Jude 6 says the fallen angels (not the devils angels) will be judged at this time also. Again fairly deep. We aint angels either. I hope this is helpful. Please receive it well. I'll be available, if you want to talk about it further. Pray on this, and if there is any who differ, please, I am open to your convincing me otherwise, through His Word. This is what I have found and referenced.
Life, Now, is all that may effect these judgements. It may be of benefit to learn of such things. I only say this because it is in God's Word, and that for us.

Love to All

Speaking Life Ministries.

Monday, June 8, 2009

If you loved me

Hey there,
I missed last posting date. I am very "not happy" about it. I was out of town and stuck without pc. It is possible to do from my blackberry, but difficult. The topic is going to hit us square in the where we live area. Jesus said, If you love me, keep my comandments. Do we? Love is more than a verbal confession. If you say you love your wife and never show it or put that into action, then do you really? If we love Jesus, I'd say much would need be, put into action, now. Do you honor Him? Do you meet His commission? Are you obedient? Is He first and you and all else, second? Good questions, huh? What He wants come before what you want? Well..... That's tough isn't it. Is it possible to love someone and not believe in them? Do you believe in Jesus? Why do you love Him? Are you thinking yet? Jesus loves us! So very much, that He gave His life for us. He did this willingly. He wasn't trying to bargain or trade with us. He gave us a gift. To not acknowledge that gift is not honour> It is not Love> and most certainly not obedience. We must learn to love. That's right. We must learn to love, Him. When people are cross with you, Are they loving you? Probably not. When denominational differences cause friction, how are we showing love? When we hold a grudge against, are we showing love? No! If love cannot be seen in us or our actions, Is Christ in us? Whew, good one, you say. Do we love Him when His love is not in us? When we judge, do we show love? If you form an opinion and follow through with a certain action, based on that opinion, DO WE show love? Not even> There is no trading, in love. You don't love someone because they do something for you or act as you approve. We should pursue agape love. God's true and perfect love. Really unconditional. No matter what.
Paul talks about love, a lot, in his Epistles. Find an example in 1Cor chapter 13. All the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are love based. How may we have anything without love. If we truly love Jesus, we should surely show it and by loving all others, if for no other reason than, He told us to.
If we struggle with this, how can we show love? How can we say, We love Him. If people are most always at contention with you and your beliefs and are always talking bad about you, do you think they love you? I'd say not! And if not, then how can they possibly love Jesus? The straight of it, THEY CANNOT. The Word tells us we cannot love Jesus and hate our brother. We spend a lot more action showing just how much we don't love Jesus, than we ever could otherwise, in this. Hey Mr Methodist, do you love me? Howdy Mr Catholic, any love for me? Hmm, Mr Baptist, can I meet you in heaven? See...Jesus is the way, not ANY denomination! If you love me, it wouldn't matter what faith I was or how I'm dressed or even what my past is. Your love could simply meet mine and we could be of 1 accord. You do know that is the church, don't you? Please see the lesson on church. Let's show love. If that be too difficult, just step aside and let the Love of Jesus, be seen in you. That is how it is supposed to be anyway. Too hard? Maybe you need to check yourself. Do you love Jesus? Do you love.....me? Jesus loves you, He is not mad at you either. Put love into action. Today! Love the Lord,, by doing what He said.

Love You,
really, really


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Resurrection of Jesus

How 'bout cha people of God,
Do any of you meditate on the resurrection? On Easter Sunday? This Truth is more than a once a year reminder. It is the very foundation of Christian faith. Is it not? I'll go farther and state that it is not merely a belief, but, a fact. A fact of history and an ever present reality, for us, the church. Paul tells us, by way of his first epistle to the Corinthians, that if Jesus be not raised then our faith is in vain and we are still in our sin. Chapter 15:17. This is recorded in all four gospels, His raising. This fact, proves His "Deity". If He had not been raised, how would we know He was who He said He was. Jesus declared it to us(who He was), while walking on the earth. This is recorded five times in the New Covenant; Matthew 12:39-40, 20:17-19, 26:30-32, Luke 18:31-33, John 2:19-22. Paul says, "He was demonstrated, the Son of God, by His resurrection, from the dead", in Romans 1:4.
Jesus came to take the sinner's place and to satisfy the "law", fully, with God. By taking our place, He became us, and died, as us. He could not die as God and had not a need to. I hope you got that. Read it again, and consider, we died with Him......in Him. And, in Him, we AROSE. This fact is proof that death has been conquered. Is not this, "the good news"? I exhort, that it IS. Jesus appeared to the Apostle John, on the isle of Patmos, and declared, "I am He that lives and was dead; and behold, I am alive for ever more, amen: and have the keys of hell and of death. Rev 1:18.
Because the Spirit of Him, who raised up Jesus, lives in us, He that raised Christ from the dead, shall quicken our mortal bodies, by His Spirit, that lives in us. That is, raise US from the dead. Romans 8:11.
There really can be no question, as to Jesus' death on the cross. All four gospels, tell us that Jesus yielded up His Spirit. Death did not conquer Him. He gave His life, of His own will. He said, "I have the power to lay down my life and I have the power to take it again". John 10:17-18.
There are many accounts that verify this truth. There were many witnesses, and not all believers, that Jesus died. The centurion told Pilate, that Jesus was dead. When the spear was removed, after the piercing, water and blood came out, showing His heart had been pierced. If Jesus had been only passed out, as some have scoffed, He would have suffocated in the burial wrappings. All the precautions that were taken, the tomb being guarded and sealed, so His body could not secretly be stolen away. Matthew 27. Many seen Him die, yet there was not an eye-witness, that seen Him come out of the sepulchre. By this there were many stories fabricated, to discredit His resurrection. Although He appeared to many, in the coming 40 days, after His raising, I find the most compelling testimony to come from John and Peter, as to the physical resurrection of the body of Jesus. When John and Peter came to the empty tomb, after Mary had told them, they went in to inspect and examine it. they found the linen clothes, that the body of Jesus had been wrapped in, lying on the stone slab, where it had been laid, "and the napkin that was about His head, not lying with the linens, but wrapped together in a place by itself." John 20:6-7. The grave clothes are a silent witness, that His body was not stolen. The napkin, tells another story. (Maybe we'll get to that later) We also know, the disciples did not steal the body, because they were so difficult to convince, by Mary, the resurrection had in fact happened. Knowing, as we do, having the New Testament, to read, that Jesus told them, repeatedly, that He would die and raise the third day, They either forgot in their grief or disbelieved, else they would have been waiting at the tomb, at the morning hour. Even the women that went to the tomb, that morning, were only taking things to further embalm the body. They were even concerned, who would roll the stone, for them. Mark 16:1-3. As I ponder this, I see God at work here. If the disciples had hung around the tomb, it would have surely been easier to blame them and label them grave robbers.
Yes, even so, there was not an eye-witness, to the actual coming out of the tomb, there were eye-witnesses to His having been raised. Not days, weeks, months, later, mind you, but that very day! I also find it particularly lifting to know that when Jesus died, He was scarcely recognizable. Beaten and wounded, bleeding and fatigued, not at all, as He appeared to the disciples. He appeared, the picture of wellness, with only scars, to remind us, I suspect. You know.....He was HEALED! And recall that we raised with Him? WE TOO ARE HEALED!Amen and amen. This resurrection is more than a story, I assure you. Life....restored! Health.....restored! Adam's fall and our separation....RESTORED! Through and by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I could go into the accounts of Jesus' appearances to all the disciples and the 500 and such, but I will not here. Please read and meditate on this for yourselves. Only know, that He taught and counseled for 40 days, and appeared to many, teaching, showing and leaving us, what is the Great Commission. Our commission. We have not, in written record, what exactly He taught. We do, however, have a record of what they did(as a result of His teaching), after His Ascension. The book of Acts is testament to this. I exhort that this is the way and means of our ministry. Not judgement and tradition, but love and encouragement. Not where we are at, but where the lost and poor are at. Take it to them! Just a little bit more, please.
In the Old Testament, the exodus, was God's Power, manifested. In the New Testament, the Resurrection(of Jesus) is our exodus. We are no longer bound! WE ARE Free! Everything IS changed! Yet we must allow the change, in our lives. We must not remain ignorant or unbelieving. You cannot change from Sabbath Saturday to First Fruits Sunday and wave your hands in the air while saying...Glory, thinking all is well while living so defeated. Hear this brothers and sisters, please. The battle IS over! Believe it........Live it. IT IS FINISHED.

What a Joy
Love You


Saturday, May 30, 2009

"If you are waiting on me, then you are backing up" part 3

Greetings, in the name of the Lord,
Well, we have covered a little ground, the past few days. I trust our feet are healing:_) My toes, too, have been stepped on, a bit. I continue, in the effort to stretch you, spiritually, and motivate you to dig into God's Word. By the view point of this writer, We are NOT waiting on God. I conclude this topic by taking you to the end. The end of the, Word walking with us. This is also our (the church) beginning. After the resurrection and before Jesus ascended to the Father, the last time, Jesus left very direct instruction, for us. This has been labeled The Great Commission. This is so imperative for Christians to grasp. We have seldom been taught it's depth and breadth. Mostly this has been watered down a bit and made to sound like what we want it to sound like, so that we feel like we are alright. I'll attempt to show a different light on this than what I was taught in the traditional church body. Hopefully a perfect light and one that will compel all to search their hearts.
We often sit and wait on something to happen, so that we may react to that, when we should act and wait only for the manifestation of God's glory. Simply, we are more comfortable reacting than acting. Think and pray on these things, I am sure most have overlooked a few things our Lord has told us to do, this writer included. Let's look in the Word to see what Jesus told us.
Jesus said, to them(us)
Peace be unto you. As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you. Receive you the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins you retain, they are retained.
John 20:21-23
I'd say this means for us to do as Jesus did, wouldn't you? Just as He was sent(By God)we are sent (By Jesus).Do you know the Holy Ghost? Forgiven any sins in the name of Jesus, lately? Done anything else, that Jesus did? I hope so and if not, God's an on time God. Exercise your faith with the release of love and do God's work. It is not too late.....yet. We MUST do as instructed, less we be not His.
Also, said He, just before heaven received Him up;
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Mark 16: 17-18
I believe we have much work to do.Please notice, the text does not say; they may recover. It says, "they SHALL". We are not waiting on God! The signs follow us, not God. He has already put the proof in the pudding. We must serve the pudding.We will not be stricken by the world or it's afflictions!Now this doesn't mean we avoid tribulation. That is not what is said here. Jesus says we will have tribulation. I'm saying, No deadly thing, will hurt us. Even if we consume it. Did you hear? Glory to God. Do you want this promise? Of course. Will you do this work and take this identity? Let us pray.
Matthew's account; Jesus said,
All power, is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Since this is so;
Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. I will always be with you, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:18-20
He will ALWAYS be with us. He said it! Why we acting all pitiful and unaware, It's a promise! I repeat, DO YOU BELIEVE? What do you fear? Why?
Teach any? Baptise any? Any power, about you or your ministry? It is there(here), for us. Already performed, already delivered and already promised. Yet, maybe not received, huh? I ask again.....Do you believe? The ONE, with ALL POWER, lives in you! Can the world see Him? You know we have to get ourselves out of the way, don't you? We can follow no agenda, unless it is His. Any other is not righteous, but sin.
from Luke 24: 47-49
Repentance and remission of sins should be preached, in Jesus' name, among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And behold I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry in Jerusalem until you have been endued with power from on high.
There is more to this, I believe. Jerusalem is symbolic of home. We must get our home and our living environment in order! Start at home! With this a blessing (promise) will come. But, stay at home until you are endued with power(promise). Then spread out, go and tell, all nations.
It churns out like this; Can you be trusted to do what God last told you to do? Why do we wait? Do we think God's going to give us a new task, a different word, or something we'd rather hear? WE NEED NOT WAIT! Brothers and sisters, WE MUST DO.
Or we are truly backing up.
We've done been told, delivered, healed, commissioned and yes......forgiven. We are a part of the Royal Priesthood and joint heirs with Christ. Can we show it a little? Can we say amen? That getting to one mind and one accord thing, it's not just with one another. We need to pursue being of one mind with God. That is impossible unless we obey.
power from on high....don't leave home without it

Peace and love be with you all. This is a commission for all believers! We cannot wait on the church to do it and must not be deceived, thinking God is going to. He, in us, can. You decide the will. Life can be just as He said. Please allow God to work His perfect Will, in your life.

Minister like Jesus
I dare you


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

dwell in a teaching

Hey there Christian
I trust you answer to this herald. Let's take a brief interuption or diversion from being backed up and dig into a related teaching, from the Apostle Paul. Let's turn to 1Cor, chapter 15. In this passage, we see much to challenge us, the believer. Please read and meditate on these things. I speak to this, in you, here, briefly. We say Jesus is risen, yes? Yes! Then do we believe in the dead being raised? We should, or we be hypocrites. When we say only and live not, that which we believe or testify to. Let us all consider these things, that we may grow in our faith.Right to the MEAT, if we believe Jesus was raised, we must believe that raising(from the dead) can be done. If we believe anything and all that is written, that Jesus did, then we must believe all that, possible for us and life today! Whatever Jesus performed, we may perform. That is it in a shell. Why are we so defeated? It can only be because of unbelief. I ask, as a brother, in Christ, check your faith. Prove it to yourself and set your mind, daily. Have no doubt! We must get in line with God's Word, to be and have what He intended. It is not playtime but it is near to endtime. God is just and good. He will help you grow your faith.I can do no other but remind us all, the move is ours to make. We must do and not be caught waiting. It is up to us. God has seen to it, that it be this way.
I hope you check out this chapter and follow with prayer for understanding and courage to act on the knowledge given. I'll finish the series with the next post. I am out of towm, today and write from my blackberry.

Love be in all of you


Sunday, May 24, 2009

"If you are waiting on me, then you are backing up" part 2

Well you are back, huh,
Let's review a little bit. We are here in charge of the earth, by God's provision and will. We have been redeemed, by the blood of Jesus, and are not ever judged for sin, again. We are reborn, entirely new creatures, in Christ. As the title states, if we wait on God, to do, we are not moving forward. Not only that, but we do not acknowledge what was done in the work of Jesus. THIS and only this is the focus, of which, I'd hope you may grasp. Notice<>done. This is past tense and has already happened nearly 2000 years ago. Do we believe Jesus has to die again to forgive us? How about, so we may be healed, or what of giving us provision? Why do we ask for what we already have and for what has already been finished, then gifted to us. Sometimes we act and speak in this manner. Don't we?Jesus died for our sins and became sin. As sin he died. Sin did not wake up on the third day, yet Jesus DID! Let's refer to a couple of things that James told us in the New Covenant. In 1:8, he tells us a double minded man is unstable. So we must get this thing of which Jesus died for put to rest and not be mixed up about it. We must stop contradicting ourselves, while limiting God and grow our faith up to a genuine belief. James also exhorted that we must be doers of the Word and not hearers only, in verse 22. Why are we so easily defeated when the victory has already been won? Do we or do we not, believe that Jesus lived, died and arose. And do we believe that He went into the depths and dark places, defeated and conquered, death, hell and the grave! Cancer is death by another name, poverty is hell by another name, negative hopelessness is the grave by another name! We say we do, believe, come on now! We oppose ourselves! How come we have these things when Jesus defeated them? Especially when we say He did and live as He did not. Is that doublemindedness?We pray, as Jesus taught, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN". Do you even hear the words......God's will be done? How about that? Do we know what that is? God's will. God's will IS done in heaven! In heaven, we're told, there is no sickness, no poverty, no tears, no cancer, no hatred, no selfishness, no hunger. Huh? That's right, isn't it? Well, how about here on earth? David writes, that God's Word IS established, in heaven. It is not, however, established here on earth. Man's will, gifted from God, is the strongest power in the earth, today. We can even deny God, Himself>Not until we speak it(the Word) back to God, from the abundance of our hearts. We can establish God's Word, here on the earth! Yes, this being among our greatest responsibilities. If we would establish God's word, we would be established, ourselves. Yet we work so fervently to establish ourselves......uh oh..... Is that it, you reckon? We may just be a little out of wack, due to selfishness. No one likes to hear it, no one likes to admit it, but it is evident. Not even, but especially, in the churches! We pray for ourselves, we testify of ourselves, we do works for our credit and benefit and recognition. We even acknowledge God and feebly attempt to describe Him as by what He is doing in us, for us, through us!!!!! God's bigger than that! Wake up! We must get to know God by a different prospective and point of view. Stop asking God to use you. You don't mean it or you'd be doing something of use, and God blessing it, through His Word of Truth. He cannot use you, if you are not in motion. We have been gifted with the Holy Word and the Holy Ghost. We should not suffer so, to know God's very own will and mind, as it relates to us. Two things; IT IS WRITTEN and HE LIVES IN US. What about it. Where can anyone find an excuse? Are you sick? Are you broke? Are you diseased? Are you afflicted? Where ever these things live, God did not bring them to us. He defeated them, AS US and for us, because of us. He loves us......Do you know that?
Well this wasn't anything like I thought was going to be wrote. laughter. I guess I'll read this, reflect and sum up in part 3. Read God's Word! It is your decision. Nothing will be done for you that hasn't already been done. It's up to us to do. While we do, God performs HIS WORD, in our lives. He said He would and He does. We have been bought. We are bound to this, as believers.

Live, learn, love


Thursday, May 21, 2009

"If you're waiting on me, then you're backing up" part1

Hey everybody,
If you've looked over the title and thought, I might have lost it, well then read a little more and please, hold your conclusions until the end of the blog, at least. Ever hear this saying?(title) The meaning, I'm already ready, I'm waiting on you! Close your eyes a moment, Can't you just imagine God saying this first. To US, no less! Well if He didn't say exactly that, He told us enough in His word that we should surely arrive at the same conclusion. God is waiting on us. He waits on us to act(go into action), so that He may perform His Word in our lives. Tradition and the religious veil some have over their eyes has prevented us from knowing this very thing. We talk and hear of how God is doing this and how we are waiting on the Lord, and (the best one) God's dealing with me on something.. We say we're leaving it up to the Lord and If it's God's will. There's a gozillion of these weak, pitiful sayings. These profess, only our ignorance and lack of faith. We pray for stuff, stuff we want, by the way, and ask while attempting to be holy. We bargain with God, If you'll do this Lord .....then I'll do....whew! Does this sound familiar? What does God possibly need that WE could give, to make a bargain....really! He don't need us, He IS GOD. He loves us (the world and all mankind), so deeply and unconditionally, that HE GAVE....not a trade, no sale here. He gave His only begotten Son. Yep, gave. That's right! While Jesus was here, walking on the earth, the Word with us, He didn't make any trades or barter any goods, either. He came, so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. That's what He said! HE GIVES IT TO US!!! It's as if we never knew this! Look around! If your not in some type of abundance, in life, NOW, how then do you honor Him and what He did for us. I know that's strong, it needs to be. If your offended, I'd encourage you to regain your mind and walk in love. Love is not offended. What, exactly, did he do to give us life? That is the question, isn't it? let's start with sin. We, because of our born nature, are sinners. Please see previous lesson on "Nature of Man". The penalty for sin is death. No two ways about it. Jesus came so we could be without sin and be saved from death. Yep, that's not nearly all, either. If you are not Jewish, you had no access to God or heaven, before Jesus. Jesus gave life to the gentile and all the world.
Jesus and God's plan, in all the Gospel holds for the believer, reversed the fall of Adam and NOW, we have a way to get back in communion with the Holy Father. Jesus, our intercessor and savior. He became sin and was killed. Everyone should say, "my sin was killed", "it has been put to death!" When God looks down on us, today, He don't see our wallering and sin, our weakness and short comings. He only sees His Son, Jesus. We are righteous, in Him! Did you hear? Do you believe? Because Jesus reversed what Adam did, we need to go back and find out what Adam had, so that we may know what we now have. Are you with me? God didn't move Adam and Eve and their children around, like chess pieces on the earth. He gave them free will. The same is true for us.
Let's start in Genesis 1:26. Here we find that we, let me repeat, WE, have dominion over this world. Yes sir, that is what I said. God(3) gave it to us. We didn't trade. He didn't give it so He could take it back every now and then, either. It is ours. Yet we hear how God is in control. This,usually to releave ourselves of ANY responsibility.Know this, He IS in authority, He IS God!,yet, HE GAVE US CONTROL. How do you think everything got so messed up? Not because He was in control, no sir! Some, ain't gonna like all this responsibility, but guess what. He gave it to us and it is us that needs to do, we ain't waiting on God, for anything. Your life and my life is a manifestation of our choices and decisions. Yes God is mighty to save and He is God, the life giver and provider for us all. The way He gives and provides is through His Word. So if your waiting on God to move for you, you might be waiting, a while. We are the ones that have to move, Not God. His work and provision are already! You may not have that yet, we'll get there. We may have to make this a multiple, this being part 1. The Word is filled with laws, principles and patterns for us to go by. What's that? You ain't been going by them......Don't know what they even are! Let's not get too far ahead, I am leaving out some crucial stuff and I don't want to leave anything out. The Word is and has been, for ALL time. It was here in the beginning, before the foundation of the world. It came to earth, by messenger(profits and angels). It was here with us, walking and living in flesh, as man, on earth. It is established in heaven, the psalmist tells us and is THE authority, for us to be under. It is, however, for us to establish, here in the earth. And I gotta back up again.....We not ready to establish, just yet. Anyway, we have got to move. We have to arm ourselves. We must receive what God has given in order to have it. We will start from here, next post.

Love you


Monday, May 18, 2009

Man's Nature

Highty Ho Neighbor
We have covered much ground, together, in the knowledge of God's word. We, by now, I'd hope, acknowledge that we are made of God and in His image and likeness. He is 3 fold, and so are we. We have three distinct parts, body-soul-spirit. Let's see together, what God's Word has to tell us about this. First, look at the Greek words for our three parts; soma body, psyche soul, and pneuma spirit. There is reference, in Paul's writings about these. 1Cor 2:14, speaks of the natural man, speaking of it's worldly existence. This part of man is not saved or eternal, only the soul and spirit live forever. This is talking of the soma. In 1 Cor 3:1-3, Paul talks about the spiritual and carnal man, and how they can effect our perceptions. The man is one, yet spiritual things must be discerned spiritually. We must guard ourselves. 1Thes5:23, confirms quite nicely, that we are 3 fold, in nature.
The Soma man (body) has gates, through which things may gain entrance, into us. Even though the Word tells us; it is not what comes into a man that defiles, but what comes out. We must take care what come in and how it may enter. Let's list these gates. They are what we refer to as the five physical senses. Touch is the feel gate. Taste is the mouth gate. Hearing is the ear gate. Smell is the nose gate. Sight is the eye gate. Five gates = five senses. These are not direct, to the spirit man, but connect to the soul, by way of the heart. The heart, (not the organ), is not in the soma nor the psyche, alone, yet rests between and gives continuity. There are soulish senses as well. These are similar to the physical ones, in that there are five, yet they are deeper senses. Listen to these. We'll call these faculties. they are; faith, hope, reverence, prayer, and worship. As you now see, these cannot be of the body. they are sensors of the heart and triggers of the mind. The mind settles not in the soul or in the spirit, yet between, just as the heart is between the body and soul, the mind links the soul and spirit. How do they function?, you might ask. The soul has gates, as well. These gates are; imagination, conscience, memory, reason, and affection. The faculties are the door bells, if you will to the gates of the soul and triggers to the mind. Are you with me, so far. These doorbells make impressions on the spirit, by way of our mind. The only way to a man's spirit is by way of the soul. The body has nothing, in the soul, as we learn from Paul. This is why the five physical senses cannot discern spiritual things. When man attempts an act of this nature, it cannot be God, but man alone. The spirit has but one and only one gate. It has no name that I can find, but there is something rather significant about this gate. This gate has a guard. Can you guess? The guard is man's will. Man's will stands guard at the gate of his spirit. Nothing may enter without his permission. No amount of anything can over power this will. The mind, too, is subject to man's will. We must choose. This gate or door is what Jesus refers to. "I stand at the door and knock". As we know, He will not force His way in. We must let Him in. When our will stands aside and allows, the Holy Spirit come into us, (our spirit) and takes up residence. This is the beginning of regeneration. Man is not renewed, without the Holy Spirit. Man is still 3 fold, in this, for His Spirit and our spirit are one. He in us! Are you getting this? The Holy Ghost is not limited. He has access to any and all levels of man. If this were not so, we could not have healing, power of the Spirit, or any other of the gifts. Man was made for two worlds, the spirit world and the physical world. We are made to sit in heavenly places! Right? Amen. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. We are not the only creation made on this template.
Look at the Jewish Tabernacle, for a moment, also created in 3 fold. The courtyard, is liken to and represents the body. The Holy place, is liken to and represents the soul. The most Holy place, is liken to and represents the spirit. Isn't this wonderful! Just as I have stated earlier, there can be no communication between the body and spirit, as there is none between the courtyard and the most Holy place. Only, by way of the soul. So man is created complete in body, soul and spirit, but his spiritual nature is unregenerate until the Holy Ghost takes residence in the spirit compartment of man. This by the acceptance of the knock and the submission of the will at the door. This is rebirth. With this, man is born again!
There is much to be gained in Paul's teachings. We must grow and learn of our 3 fold nature, to do so. Let us not stay on milk but partake of bread and the meat of the Lamb. If speaking, I may elaborate more, but in writing, I hope I have covered, well, the high points.

God is with you


Friday, May 15, 2009

The Church

What is the church, we hear mentioned, so often? Many refer to it as, that specific building where religious people gather. That there are all different kinds of churches. Sadly, in one sense, they are correct. I hope to bring to you a point of view, quite different from that of the world's. The church is not an organization, but an organism. It lives and breathes, works and serves and exists with but one identity, for there is only one church. This church, is the body of Christ. It has no gender or nationality, not gentile nor Greek. The body has many members, as do our own physical bodies. All believers, being born again are members of the church body. Get your bible out and follow, to confirm what is about to be spoken, in this writing. Ephesians 3:1-12, amplified version
For this reason, because I preached that you are thus lifted up together, I Paul, am the prisoner of Jesus, the Christ, for the sake and on behalf of you gentiles- Assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace, (His unmerited favor) that was entrusted to me, to dispense to you, for your benefit, And that the mystery, (secret), was made known to me and I was allowed to comprehend it by direst revelation, as I already briefly wrote you. When you read this, you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ. This mystery was never disclosed to human beings, in past generations as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets, by the Holy Spirit. It is this; that the gentiles are now to be fellow heirs with the Jews, members of the same body and joint partakers in the same divine promise, in Christ, through their acceptance of the Gospel. Of this Gospel, I was made a minister according to the gift of God's free grace, which was bestowed on me by the exercise of His power. To me, though I am the very least of the saints, this grace was granted and graciously entrusted, to proclaim to the gentiles the unending riches of Christ, Also to enlighten all men and make plain to them what is the plan ( regarding the Gentiles and providing for the salvation of all men) of the mystery kept hidden through the ages and concealed, until now, in the mind of God Who created all things by Christ Jesus. The purpose is, that through the church, the complicated, many sided, wisdom of God, in all it's infinite variety and innumerable aspects, might now, be made known to the angelic rulers and authorities, (principalities and powers) in the heavenly sphere. This, in accordance, with the terms of the eternal and timeless purpose, which He has realized and carried into effect, in the person of, Jesus Christ our Lord, in Whom, because of our faith, in Him, we dare to have the boldness of free access ( an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear).
Only in the church can an Holy brotherhood be found. In Christ (church), all race - all class - all gender - all distinctions, simply disappear.
There is no mention of the church, in the Old Testament. It was not only, unknown by man, but God's prophets, as well. The church was first identified by Jesus. He referred to this as, future of His day. Matthew 16:18 Paul, not only, tells us the church is a mystery, (that is where some choose to leave it), but he tells us of it's character, this all having been revealed to him, for this purpose (our telling). Prophecies and promises, of the Old Testament do not apply to the church in this identity. These were for Israel and Judah, only. Although, we may apply some of these, in other identities, such as, the seed of Abraham, for example, they are not for the church, in the identity, Jesus told of and Paul teaches.
The church started at Pentecost and shall be completed at the return of Jesus. (Some call this, the second coming, yet He has already come to us more than twice, so I use another reference). The church (bride of Christ) is made up of those that believe and are saved, in that time. The righteous dead, in Christ, of the Old Testament, are friends of the Bridegroom, not part of the bride. The church of new born is from His finished work to now and until His return. This is the body of Christ and is to become His bride. This group (our identity) is being gathered out, by the Holy Spirit, from all mankind, until the fullness of this age is come. Romans 11:1-25 more references to church; Ephesians 1:22-23, 1Cor 12:12-13, also verse 27, Romans 12:5
Neither can the church die, as the body of Christ! Revelation 1:18 The church is alive, for ever more. Jesus, not only, gave His life for the church, but gave life to the church. Read Col 3:4.
Listen.... The only way, Christ, who is the Head and is in Glory, may manifest Himself, to the world, is through His body- The Church. Let me say it this way, The only provision for the world to see Jesus, today, is through Christian believers (the church). Paul states this to the Philippians, in chapter 1 verse 21, of that letter.
Are we perfect? Since Jesus is the Head and the Church is the body, together, the two as one, us in Him and He in us,make up the perfect man. It is inconceivable that a perfect head could be attached to an imperfect body. Sanctified, set apart, we are. Those that choose and are chosen.
Let's read along some more in Ephesians, chapter 4:8-14
Therefore it is said, When He ascended on high, He led captive (He led a train of vanquished foes) and He bestowed gifts, on men. (Ps. 68-18) But He ascended? Now what can this, "He ascended", mean but that He had previously descended from the heights of heaven into the depths of the lower parts of the earth(hell, my added interpretation)? He who descended is the very same as He Who also has ascended, high above all the heavens, that He, (His presence), might fill ALL things (the whole universe, from the lowest to the highest), And His gifts were varied; He, Himself, appointed and gave men to us, some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists ( preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors ( shepherds of His flock), and teachers. His intention was the perfecting and full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), that they should do the work of ministering, toward building up Christ's body (the church), That it might develop until we all attain oneness, in the faith and in the comprehension of the full and accurate knowledge of the Son of God, that we might arrive at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ's own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness, found in Him. So then, WE MAY NO LONGER BE CHILDREN......

I trust that you may have had an exposure to one of your intended identities, in this study. I pray the Holy Spirit give you understanding and motivation, from this. The church is not a building, but people. People that have accepted Him, Lord Jesus. So then, we need not wait til we get within the confines of any certain building. We can have church, daily. Jesus said, where two or more are gathered, in my name, there I will be with them. Sounds like church! Amen
Be there (at church), every time the door is open, that not just on Sundays and Wednesdays, at a certain address, but every time you are gathered, in His name. Let Him be seen, in you, because He does live, in you. Remember it is all up to you. God is not willing, (by His Word), to do a great work in those that don't work. Never cease doing good!
Love you


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sin & Salvation

We all recognize, at some time or another, that there is a constant conflict between our conscience and our conduct, between our better judgement and our natural disposition. We have called these, spirit man and carnal man, or at least, that is what we shall use as reference, for now. Some may call this a battle or a moral unbalance, none the less, the Holy scripture calls it sin.
Animals, do not have to contend against these inherited tendencies, to do evil. These are governed by instinct. Man, however, has an inveterate tendency to go astray, to sin, to entertain all manner of misdirected errors and mistakes. It becomes an endless struggle for him (man), to do good. Why this difference? Sin is the difference. The fall of man, in Eden. We know, through God's Word, the cause of our struggle. There in, also, rests, simply, the solution, as well. We'll get to that a bit later.
Sin is the poison of the world. This sin, manifests itself in the human body, two distinct ways. Inwardly and outwardly. Jesus came, into the world, to make atonement, for sin. Notice, I didn't say sins, but, sin. He came, in part, to erase the natural tendency to sin, from the human heart. So, a new nature is available. One when taken on, does not promote the tendency to sin.
I have found 5 separate definitions for sin in the New Covenant; Let's read them.
1- lawlessness is sin 1John 3:4
2- neglect is sin James 4:17
3- doubt is sin Romans 14:23
4- unbelief is sin John 16:8-9
5- all unrighteousness is sin 1John 5:17
There are classes of sin. Two, to be specific. Open sin, where everybody knows and can see and secret sin, held in the hearts of mankind. Not visible, yet just as deadly, maybe more so. Here are some sin references for a better understanding;
Psalms 90:8 - 1John 3:15 (hate and murder) - Matthew 5:27-28 (lust) - Jeremiah 17:9 - Mark 7: 21-22
Fruit, left unpreserved, will surely rot. So it is with sin, in the human heart. Bad seed, if I may, will surely produce a bad harvest. We can manage this and only allow the good seed. But, sin, can only be totally eradicated by one means, the blood of Jesus.
What does sin do? One, it produces shame and Two, it leads to separation. It drove Adam and Eve from the garden! The Bible tells us, that; sin pays wages and the wage of sin is death. Sin does, indeed pay. It pays in full and sometimes on the installment plan. We cannot escape taking this wage, with out Jesus Christ. Sin is sure death. Not a physical death and not really, even a spiritual death, alone. Sin is an eternal death. Ephesians 2:1-3. In the book of Revelation, chapter 20, verses 11-15, we hear of a second death. What I remind us all of, rather than elaborate on the second death, is; God sets before us, both life and death. Why oh why do so many choose death? It is our choice! Sin is not a misfortune, but, perverseness. Sin is the most common and most costly thing in the universe. It cost Lucifer the loss of his exalted position, before the Throne of God and led to rebellion, in Heaven. It cost mankind the loss of paradise. It cost God almighty, the lifeblood of His only begotten Son. It cost Jesus the agony and suffering, of the cross, not to mention the tasting of eternal death, as He took our place. The sinner's place. Then at that moment, Jesus realized what it felt like to be forsaken by God, the Father. The Word says, He (Father God) had to turn away, because He could not look upon sin.
The good news is that there is salvation, from sin. I shall attempt to bring forth, the knowledge that we have a three fold need, for this, one and only salvation. First, we need salvation, in regard to yesterday. Yesterday, was the day of sin. Hallelujah! We are unable to relive or redo the past. We are unable to try to do(over) better. Second, we need salvation, in regard to, today. If, we were able to manage for the sin of yesterday, what are we to do for, today? Because, today, without any change, in our nature, we will, surely, sin, as yesterday. Third, we need salvation, in regard to tomorrow. Suppose, for a moment, we are capable of obtaining a provision of salvation for the past and present, for yesterday and today; What shall we do for tomorrow? Tomorrow will come, with the same old forms of temptation, the same lame suggestions of evil doings, the same, tired, helplessness to overcome sin, as was, in the past.
NOW, I think we have established that we have a need. Stay with me and remember, it is three fold. So the depths will, also be three. (1) need for pardon, for the past (2) need for purity, for the present (3) need for power, for the future. Where do we get these? Refer to earlier mention. If sin is the world's poison and ALL humans, born to this world have inherited this disease, then we must reason that there is a remedy available, somewhere, for every disease. Yes, there is, also a remedy for the disease of sin. The remedy is found in the gospel. Are you surprised? See Romans 1:16 then go to 1John 1:7. Streeetcchhh, for a moment to hear. As our need is three fold, so too is salvation, itself. Listen! Justification - Sanctification - Glorification, ARE the three fold, salvation. Read Titus 2:11-13 and let me elaborate a bit more. We are saved......We are being saved...... and we shall be saved! Amen? Are you with me, so far?
Saving Grace, a free gift, and God's will that we receive this. You don't trade for it, or, earn it. It is a gift. This gift, too, you may have guessed it, is three fold. Almost done. Let us feast on this and digest. First, we are saved from the penalty of sin, by faith. Faith, leads us to, justification. Romans 5:1 justified by faith 2Cor 5:21 He was made sin, for us, so we may be made the righteousness of God, in Him. We are passed from death to life. See John 5:24 - Phil 4:7
The moment we accept, by faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace, with God. Albeit, may be some time later, moments, hours, days, weeks, months, (depends on the person) before we know this in our spirit. When, we get it, we may have the peace of God, that passes ALL understanding. Praise the Lord!
Second, we are saved from the power of sin. SIN HAS NO POWER, anymore! Matthew 1:21 Jesus IS savior for sin AND sins! Phil 2:12-13 Though we are not saved by works(carnal man), but when we receive salvation, through faith, we ARE to work it out(spirit man). Since we are saved from the penalty of sin, we must work to be delivered from it's power. Sanctification is progressive and not instantaneous. Read Paul; 1Cor 15:9 - Eph 3:8 - 1Tim 1:15 Did Paul get worse? Phil 3:12-14 (press toward the mark) We will not be completely delivered from the power of sin until the death of the (flesh)body. BUT, Victory, can be ours, if we will surrender, absolutely, to the Will of God. This, permitting Him to will and do, His good pleasure, in us.
Finally, in conclusion, Third, we are to be saved from the presence of sin. By way of Jesus' death, on the cross and His finished (completed) work, our soul and spirit are saved from death. He IS coming back, for us. This to fulfil our salvation,(glory to glory) by redeeming our bodies, either from the grave or in transformation, in the rapture. Then and from there forward, we are saved, from the presence of sin. This is the Glorification.
Justified - saved from the penalty of sin
Sanctified - saved from the power of sin
Glorified - saved from the presence of sin

I sincerely hope you got something from this, read the scriptural references, to confirm, what has been taught.

Bless you


Saturday, May 9, 2009


I chose to start my blogging practice, with my personal belief statement, as you can see. Much of that which I will speak is to Life and how we can and were intended, to live it. Setting All premise on God's creation and us being in that. Life has more than one dimension. There is life now, to which there is little, true counsel from man and not much information available, and life eternal, which has much information available, only it is in God's word, and requires faith. It would seem, that not many read or study on these things, I hope to bring out. To many some of these writings will appear as lessons, with God's help. None is meant to be harmful, only uplifting and revealing. I speak to tradition, of man, responsibility and accountability and things that may help, in life, if one chooses to apply, those things, of which I will speak. I will attempt to have an entry every three days, minimum, more if the Spirit leads. I pray they be relevant and useful, to the readers. There are many points of view, in the world, I'd ask that you develop your own, in God's counsel. All that is said, in the world, is not worthy of adoption, in your life. We (people in general) take advice from the wrong sources, too often. We look to others to tell us, either what we are capable of finding out, or what we need. This usually is used as a mechanism, to relieve us from responsibility. We go about, believing what is said, into our lives, as if it were God talking. Yet it is not. It is most often, the news media, a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a salesman, or tradition. All of these usually have an agenda and most certainly, do not speak the definitive truth. We have the final say, by God's gifting and yet we surrender the authority to others. Words have power, as you shall read from this blog. My desire is that you may gain, by these things, that I write, enabling everyone to be a stronger light, to the world. If anyone is strengthened and have goodness in their heart, then goodness is enlarged. All good things, come from God.
Realize what and who you are, what you have, what you could have, your purpose in life, and where you are headed. Knowing these things, will enable you to live the life Jesus came to earth, died and rose again, that you may have. That was not done, only, for a life in the hereafter, in the sweet bye and bye, but for NOW. Life now, must be glorifing to HIM. We benefit the most, because He loves us so much. God is not angry with you. He wants a relationship with you, now, and forever. Why else would He make it so you will live forever? His love, coming through you to the world, will allow men to believe. Jesus said, If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me. It is our cause, and the purpose of this venue, to do that. Lift Him up.

Know that you are blessed. I bless you, in Jesus' name. Amen


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Statement of Faith

Many people are continually in search of a congregation(church) that agrees with their views. New churches are formed, sometimes, for nothing more than this reasoning. In order for this to improve in our lives, we must know what we believe, and why. We must be responsible and accountable. In order to tell the good news to all men, we must know what we are telling. Often men attach themselves to someone Else's beliefs. This is just easier, I guess, even though it may be for emotional reasons or tradition's sake. I urge all men to not only know, but to be at total peace with their beliefs and that they be rooted and founded in God's Holy Word. I thought it good to start my blog with such a testament. My statement of faith.

The Old and New Testaments are covenants from God. These are His, infallible, Word. This Word, is God breathed and completely our source for life and faith. There is no greater authority than God's written Word. This Word is without flaw or error and IS the one and only Truth for, both, life and death. Any and all theology, doctrine, formulation or teaching must be tested, confirmed or rebuked by this written Word of God and It's full counsel. All knowledge and understanding come from God. Many of the expositions of the Word are spiritual, therefore it is the Holy Spirit that provides this understanding, by the Word's revelation, and applies this to men's hearts. Our salvation, through faith in Jesus Christ, is the primary example of this.

God is Triune. He is a trinity.The one and only God of all the universe. He is Omnipotent and omniscient, all seeing and all knowing. He is not bound by anything, any dimension, or time. God is infinite and eternal, with total perfection in all things(holiness, love, truth, righteousness, etc.). The Godhead is united, in three persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, co-exist and are equal and eternal. They are separate, yet one. The Deity of each is unquestionable. One God, (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), is the foundation of faith for all Christians.

God (three in one) created ALL things, in heaven and earth. He spoke, and all things were made, by His Word. All things He made and not anything was made the He did not make. God is supremely faithful to every promise. All things He made, work together for good, and benefit those who love Him. Because of His love for us and His grace, that we can not conceive, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ for mankind's redemption. God created man for fellowship with Him and purposed all creation to life and the praise of His glory.

Man, created by God, was made in His image and likeness. God is a trinity and so is man. Man is composed of body, soul and spirit, making him a trinity, in likeness, to God. Free will was given to mankind, by God. We have the ability to choose and decide, life or death. Dominion over all the earth was also gifted to man. Mankind, through sin(a choice), was separated from God, in the garden, God had made for them. Having corrupted their very own nature, by this act, have no ability, on their own, to return to God, who is without corruption. All men are lost, to God, no matter their character or deeds, and are without hope apart from salvation, in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the only savior for mankind and the sins of the lost world. He is fully man and fully God. He became the Word, made flesh and walked with mankind on the earth. He was supernaturally conceived by the virgin, Mary, through the Holy Spirit. He was perfect in nature, teaching, obedience and example. He died on a cross as a sacrifice for all mankind, so that we may loose our corrupt nature and return to God, by way of regeneration(born again). He was laid in a tomb, dead, yet, three days later, He arose in a glorified body. For the next 40 days, he was seen several times, by many(more than 500). Giving fellowship and instruction, to his disciples, He told them He must go to the Father. He said He would send a comforter to remain with us until His return. He said He'd prepare a place for us, commissioned us and ascended into heaven. He was the victor over all powers of darkness. He conquered death, hell and the grave and restored to the believer, that which was lost, in the garden. He lives and reigns at the right hand of the Father and is our intercessor,for Him. The redemptive work of Jesus, during those three days, is sufficient for all time, to those who'd believe. He bore ALL sin and defeated ALL opposition(to himself AND us). Now He shares(gives) the result of His work, to us. We need not fight any battle that He has already won for us. Jesus is the Head of the body(church), He is the groom and we are the bride. He will return for us, some day. Meanwhile, we are left here to, Eagerly await His return, Go and tell the gospel to all men, Increase and prosper.

Salvation, is a gift from God, provided completely by His grace. The gift is not deserved, bargained for, or earned. It IS a gift! We receive this gift through faith, in Jesus Christ. We must repent(change our mind, direction, cause) and turn from sin, looking to Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection, as our light for life. Through this acceptance, we may be reborn, anew, by the Holy Spirit. A new creature, we become, growing on a new plain, from what we knew before. By way of, the complete and finished redemptive work, of Jesus, there is freedom from sin(judgement), forgiveness of sins, and liberation from bondage, of the world and it's afflictions. The Holy Spirit, now lives in us!

The Holy Spirit (Giver of Life, Comforter) is here, in the earth, preparing the church, for the return of Jesus. Among the manifestations and works of the Holy Spirit is His ability to convict the lost of the world. He calls, we answer. He chose us, we didn't choose Him. When the Spirit's work is complete and the gospel is preached to All the world, Jesus will return!
It is available to all believers, to submit fully and be immersed(baptised) in the Holy Spirit. This full time, spirit walk, in sanctification is not chosen by all. God's promise, that the Holy Spirit would be sent, in power, was to, all, men, who believed. Showing that this is not salvation, itself, but, a spiritual growth after regeneration. Though we are commanded of God to do this(in His word), He does not force us. The activation of Holy Spirit, in our life, too, is a gift, and must be accepted by our choice. God will not impose on us, any gift. It is His delight, when we receive what He has offered and like salvation, man could never deserve or earn this gift, either. The gifts(Faith, Discerning of spirits, Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Healing, Working of miracles, Tongues, Interpreting tongues, and Prophecy) and fruits(Love, Peace, Joy, Long suffering, Gentleness, Meekness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Patience) of the Holy Spirit are sovereign actions, from God, for the edification of the church. Jesus told us, before His Ascension, of (certain) signs, that would follow those who believed. These manifestations are evidence of the will of God, for us, in these last days.

The Church, is made up of all believers. It is neither, Jew nor Gentile, Male nor Female and has NO denominational identification. The Church is both the Body of Christ and His Bride. The purpose of the Church is to prepare and edify(make disciples of) the saints for service to the Lord, that each may fulfill the commission of Christ and reconcile all men, that would believe, unto Him by telling the good news of Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection. The corporate church, is where we bind our self with other believers, in obedience and join in one accord to worship and praise God. The observance of sacraments(Lord's Supper, Baptism, application of good works), is a small part of the church's fulfillment of Jesus' call and teaching. Discipleship and the teachings of God's Word are the larger part and responsibility. Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly! Believers and the corporate church need to busy themselves with this work, among and to, the saints. How may we have this life? In this, we may better prepare the church to be the example Jesus intended, rather than judges.

If I be lifted up, I will draw men unto me, said the Lord.