I have received a lot of questions about the "afterlife", as it were, lately. I confess, I have not looked at it as an afterlife, in quite some time. Life is eternal and the realization of this has made it's view more in stages than segments. I don't think of the "after", anymore than I wonder about life in my 50's- 60's and beyond, here, still in this earthen vessel. It is only another level of growth. Advancement, even. I delivered a teaching on the judgements, not long ago. Here, I recall, a summerization of that teaching. This is written in the Bible, yet few do the research for themselves. I hope this helps you.
Here goes;
There are 3 judgment places and 3 thrones
1)The "Judgment Seat of Christ" 2 Cor 5:10For believers only "In the Air"
2)The "Throne of Glory" Matt 25:31-32 For the Nations "On the Earth"
3)The "Great White Throne" Rev 20:11-12For the wicked dead"In Heaven"
There are 5 judgments in all;
1) Believers for sin
2)Believers for works
3)The Jews
4)The Nations
5)The Wicked DeadJudgment
1*Believers as to sin, AD 30 at CalvaryBased on finished work of ChristJesus died to justify the believer. This judgment is past. Rom 10:4 - There is now no condemnation (judgment) to those that are in Christ. Rom 8:1-2 & John 5:24 - It was settled at the Cross! The judgment of believers is 3 fold, however. We are judged as a"sinner", a "son", and as a "servant", all three. As before stated the judgment as a sinner is past, already. As soon as a sinner accepts Jesus as personal saviour that settles sin judgement for them. Because our iniquities were laid on Him and are not on us. (Isa 53:5-6) This is atonement, for Adam's disobedience in the "Garden of Eden". The tendency to sin does not leave us with the new birth. We do get a counter force known as, the "new nature or new man". We become dual personalities, old and new together. The predominate nature depends on which we feed and which we starve. We take in this nourishment through the ear gate, the eye gate, mostly. Paul tells of this warfare in Romans7:1-25. This is continual until death of the flesh, then the old nature is gone. "Sins" are different than sin. Sins are outward acts of wrong doing. We give in to these because of our tendancy to sin. These are put away, daily, by confession. 1John 2:1 and 1John 1:9 tell of this.
Our judgement as "Sons" is for unconfessed sins. Heb 12:5-11 - We should then, judge ourselves. It is our duty as Sons. 1 Cor 11:31-32 Confess our sins. We judge our selves and confess and He is just to forgive. Jesus is our advocate with the Father. In the judgement as a "servant", we move to the 2nd judgement, 2*believers for works. This is future and results in reward or loss. This takesplace after the Church is caught out, "in the air", at the JudgementSeat of Christ. 2 Cor 5:10 -Believers only 1Cor 4:51 Thess 4:17 This judgement is not a trial or test. Saved or lost, pass or fail, Heaven or Hell, has already been answered.1 Cor 9:24-271 Cor 3:11-15 The Crownings 1)Crown of Life ,A martyr's crown, Jas 1:12 Rev 2:10 This refers to martyrs of the tribulation period 2)Crown of Glory, For Elders or Pastors, 1Peter 5:2,4 3)Crown of Rejoicing, Soul winners crown,1 Thess 2:19-20 Phil 4:1 4) Crown of Righteousness, For those who love his appearing 2 Tim 4:8 5) Crown Incorruptible, Victor's crown, Those who do not give in to fleshly lust but "keep under their body"1 Cor 9:25-27 1 John 2:28 The Third Judgement, 3*For the Jews in the time of the Great Tribulation, takes place in Jerusalem and surrounding area. It is based on the rejection of the Godhead and will result in their conversion as they receive Christ as their Messiah. This is future. References of refusal 1 Sam 8:7. God the Father refused, Luke 23:18 God the Son refused, Acts 7:51,54-60 God the Holy Spirit refused. This is fairly involved and we not Jewish, we are "the church", so I move on. Judgement Four, 4*The Nations are judged in the revelation of Christ at the Throne of Glory, on Earth, in the Valley of Jehoshaphat. It is based on the nations treatment of Christ's brethren, the Jews. The result will be,some are saved and some destroyed. This is future. Matt 25:31-46 Joel 3:1-2 Rev 21:24 Judgement Five, 5* The wicked dead will be judged during the renovation of the Earth byFire, before the Great White Throne. This is based on their works and will result in being cast in the Lake of Fire. This is future. Rev 20:11-15 This takes place at close of millennium, a thousand years after the judgement of the nations. The Great White Throne will not be on the Earth. The earth will be on fire. 2Peter 3:7 This is a sad judgement. It will include many "good" people. Only they refused Christ. There will be varing degrees of punishment, but none will escape. Jude 6 says the fallen angels (not the devils angels) will be judged at this time also. Again fairly deep. We aint angels either. I hope this is helpful. Please receive it well. I'll be available, if you want to talk about it further. Pray on this, and if there is any who differ, please, I am open to your convincing me otherwise, through His Word. This is what I have found and referenced.
Life, Now, is all that may effect these judgements. It may be of benefit to learn of such things. I only say this because it is in God's Word, and that for us.
Love to All
Speaking Life Ministries.
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