Friday, August 21, 2009

The Wall Of Life

The Wall of Life

Consider this heavily, brethern. Jesus, is the corner stone. The stone, by which all is aligned and supported. This is figurative, but quite literal, as it pertains to construction and our lives. Now the corner stone is in place, (it is finished) and we start to lay more stones to the structure and add to the kingdom, by our works. Going from the first cornerstone to the next, it is fairly easy to get the next stone straight, level and plumb. We can lay one stone to another almost identical and same in results. We can day, in life without messing up.....maybe. A funny thing......If we get out of line or level or plumb just the slightest fraction of a little bit, we have altered the "course". A block wall that is out of line 1/8 inch in a foot, will be out be out a whole inch in 8 feet.......10 inches in 80 feet.....100 inches in 800 feet. I think you get the picture. Compare this wall to life, for a moment. Note some, will not even acknowledge the corner stone. What possible chance do they have of staying in line and on course? We go, find the corner stone, (reborn) start laying our wall ( building the kingdom). The corner stone (Jesus) is the perfect expample, it is easy to lay a (1) stone next to it (for a short time) and make it the same. But one stone is not near a wall (short time is not a life) and we got to build a wall (LIVE), not easy. We have to work. That alone may help some. Some who would think they do not have to. The preacher will do it. Right? Somebody else will. I can't, just now. Maybe later. Maybe? Going on; The world will offer different models, different ways to measure, maybe even try to get you to substitute lessor materials, than the stone you've been told and know, to use. Lure you with promise of profit. Burden you with material bills. Impede your progress in many ways. Hinder labor, effect desire to excell, get you more focused on playing than working. Your flesh may hurt, your strength may vary, your desire to accomplish, may be clouded by weariness and fatigue. Excellence is mostly the last thing on your mind.......... Did you forget to go back and take note of the corner stone? Is your wall straight? Are you getting anything done, for the kingdom? If we would take note of Jesus, before every work, we could start to see excellence, in our wall. The Bible in Matthew 6 tells us; to put our stores in the kingdom first. Hard to get side tracked when God's kingdom is the focus. Amen? Sometimes these walls are so far out.....they have be completely torn down. The Bible says we must be broken to yield, to Him. When the wall is destroyed, the original project remains,(God's call is without repentance) so how then are we to get started back building the wall, how will we begin, what do I need to start, I don't want to, I can't! but what am I gonna.........It has been such a long time since I was on track> my wall is awful, what can I do with this mess! WHAT SHALL I DO!!!.......OH, yesss. Mmmm. The corner stone.....It (He) is still intact. Still straight, still level, and still plumb. STILL ON THE THRONE! Glory!!Waiting. Waiting for us to build on Him. You know, Block and brick layers use a string line to keep their work straight. They refer to it with every action. That string is the very thing, that keeps them on course. This string can establish; right from left and up from down. If this string is used properly......the wall (your life), will not be out of line. Yet, this string, it is not their foundation, but a guide. IT IS, required, for excellent accomplishment. There is another thing that layers use......mortar. This is soft at first then sets up hard, to hold the stones in place. A great assistance, in the integrity of any wall (life). This mortar... is our understanding. Until we apply the mortar, we are not solid in our construction. I contend to you all, who would hear and read; The corner stone is JESUS CHRIST.......The string, is the WORD OF GOD (Bible).........and the wall of accomplishment is YOUR VERY LIFE! And the mortar is your UNDERSTANDING/ APPLICATION! See, All through time, God has wanted us to build and establish His It is established, in heaven, just not here....yet. This is evident in Jesus teaching us to pray...."Thy kingdom come". In the earliest of times men jacked it up, plenty. So God sent His Son to be the corner stone of the church and to provide a way for us to be saved from death and sin. We have to "lay hold" of the commissioned work, set before us. Build and quit tearing down! LOOK at Jesus (cornerstone), stay lined with God's Word (string line), and accomplish your intended abundant life (straight, level, plumb wall), in the CONSTANT (never ceasing) pursuit of excellence! Applying understanding and wisdom (mortar)! It is inconceivable to lay a wall (live) with out these guides. All else is merely the stacking of stones. Action without result.................... Not really all.
I hope this has blessed you.
Love to all


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