Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sin & Salvation

We all recognize, at some time or another, that there is a constant conflict between our conscience and our conduct, between our better judgement and our natural disposition. We have called these, spirit man and carnal man, or at least, that is what we shall use as reference, for now. Some may call this a battle or a moral unbalance, none the less, the Holy scripture calls it sin.
Animals, do not have to contend against these inherited tendencies, to do evil. These are governed by instinct. Man, however, has an inveterate tendency to go astray, to sin, to entertain all manner of misdirected errors and mistakes. It becomes an endless struggle for him (man), to do good. Why this difference? Sin is the difference. The fall of man, in Eden. We know, through God's Word, the cause of our struggle. There in, also, rests, simply, the solution, as well. We'll get to that a bit later.
Sin is the poison of the world. This sin, manifests itself in the human body, two distinct ways. Inwardly and outwardly. Jesus came, into the world, to make atonement, for sin. Notice, I didn't say sins, but, sin. He came, in part, to erase the natural tendency to sin, from the human heart. So, a new nature is available. One when taken on, does not promote the tendency to sin.
I have found 5 separate definitions for sin in the New Covenant; Let's read them.
1- lawlessness is sin 1John 3:4
2- neglect is sin James 4:17
3- doubt is sin Romans 14:23
4- unbelief is sin John 16:8-9
5- all unrighteousness is sin 1John 5:17
There are classes of sin. Two, to be specific. Open sin, where everybody knows and can see and secret sin, held in the hearts of mankind. Not visible, yet just as deadly, maybe more so. Here are some sin references for a better understanding;
Psalms 90:8 - 1John 3:15 (hate and murder) - Matthew 5:27-28 (lust) - Jeremiah 17:9 - Mark 7: 21-22
Fruit, left unpreserved, will surely rot. So it is with sin, in the human heart. Bad seed, if I may, will surely produce a bad harvest. We can manage this and only allow the good seed. But, sin, can only be totally eradicated by one means, the blood of Jesus.
What does sin do? One, it produces shame and Two, it leads to separation. It drove Adam and Eve from the garden! The Bible tells us, that; sin pays wages and the wage of sin is death. Sin does, indeed pay. It pays in full and sometimes on the installment plan. We cannot escape taking this wage, with out Jesus Christ. Sin is sure death. Not a physical death and not really, even a spiritual death, alone. Sin is an eternal death. Ephesians 2:1-3. In the book of Revelation, chapter 20, verses 11-15, we hear of a second death. What I remind us all of, rather than elaborate on the second death, is; God sets before us, both life and death. Why oh why do so many choose death? It is our choice! Sin is not a misfortune, but, perverseness. Sin is the most common and most costly thing in the universe. It cost Lucifer the loss of his exalted position, before the Throne of God and led to rebellion, in Heaven. It cost mankind the loss of paradise. It cost God almighty, the lifeblood of His only begotten Son. It cost Jesus the agony and suffering, of the cross, not to mention the tasting of eternal death, as He took our place. The sinner's place. Then at that moment, Jesus realized what it felt like to be forsaken by God, the Father. The Word says, He (Father God) had to turn away, because He could not look upon sin.
The good news is that there is salvation, from sin. I shall attempt to bring forth, the knowledge that we have a three fold need, for this, one and only salvation. First, we need salvation, in regard to yesterday. Yesterday, was the day of sin. Hallelujah! We are unable to relive or redo the past. We are unable to try to do(over) better. Second, we need salvation, in regard to, today. If, we were able to manage for the sin of yesterday, what are we to do for, today? Because, today, without any change, in our nature, we will, surely, sin, as yesterday. Third, we need salvation, in regard to tomorrow. Suppose, for a moment, we are capable of obtaining a provision of salvation for the past and present, for yesterday and today; What shall we do for tomorrow? Tomorrow will come, with the same old forms of temptation, the same lame suggestions of evil doings, the same, tired, helplessness to overcome sin, as was, in the past.
NOW, I think we have established that we have a need. Stay with me and remember, it is three fold. So the depths will, also be three. (1) need for pardon, for the past (2) need for purity, for the present (3) need for power, for the future. Where do we get these? Refer to earlier mention. If sin is the world's poison and ALL humans, born to this world have inherited this disease, then we must reason that there is a remedy available, somewhere, for every disease. Yes, there is, also a remedy for the disease of sin. The remedy is found in the gospel. Are you surprised? See Romans 1:16 then go to 1John 1:7. Streeetcchhh, for a moment to hear. As our need is three fold, so too is salvation, itself. Listen! Justification - Sanctification - Glorification, ARE the three fold, salvation. Read Titus 2:11-13 and let me elaborate a bit more. We are saved......We are being saved...... and we shall be saved! Amen? Are you with me, so far?
Saving Grace, a free gift, and God's will that we receive this. You don't trade for it, or, earn it. It is a gift. This gift, too, you may have guessed it, is three fold. Almost done. Let us feast on this and digest. First, we are saved from the penalty of sin, by faith. Faith, leads us to, justification. Romans 5:1 justified by faith 2Cor 5:21 He was made sin, for us, so we may be made the righteousness of God, in Him. We are passed from death to life. See John 5:24 - Phil 4:7
The moment we accept, by faith, the Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace, with God. Albeit, may be some time later, moments, hours, days, weeks, months, (depends on the person) before we know this in our spirit. When, we get it, we may have the peace of God, that passes ALL understanding. Praise the Lord!
Second, we are saved from the power of sin. SIN HAS NO POWER, anymore! Matthew 1:21 Jesus IS savior for sin AND sins! Phil 2:12-13 Though we are not saved by works(carnal man), but when we receive salvation, through faith, we ARE to work it out(spirit man). Since we are saved from the penalty of sin, we must work to be delivered from it's power. Sanctification is progressive and not instantaneous. Read Paul; 1Cor 15:9 - Eph 3:8 - 1Tim 1:15 Did Paul get worse? Phil 3:12-14 (press toward the mark) We will not be completely delivered from the power of sin until the death of the (flesh)body. BUT, Victory, can be ours, if we will surrender, absolutely, to the Will of God. This, permitting Him to will and do, His good pleasure, in us.
Finally, in conclusion, Third, we are to be saved from the presence of sin. By way of Jesus' death, on the cross and His finished (completed) work, our soul and spirit are saved from death. He IS coming back, for us. This to fulfil our salvation,(glory to glory) by redeeming our bodies, either from the grave or in transformation, in the rapture. Then and from there forward, we are saved, from the presence of sin. This is the Glorification.
Justified - saved from the penalty of sin
Sanctified - saved from the power of sin
Glorified - saved from the presence of sin

I sincerely hope you got something from this, read the scriptural references, to confirm, what has been taught.

Bless you


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