Thursday, May 21, 2009

"If you're waiting on me, then you're backing up" part1

Hey everybody,
If you've looked over the title and thought, I might have lost it, well then read a little more and please, hold your conclusions until the end of the blog, at least. Ever hear this saying?(title) The meaning, I'm already ready, I'm waiting on you! Close your eyes a moment, Can't you just imagine God saying this first. To US, no less! Well if He didn't say exactly that, He told us enough in His word that we should surely arrive at the same conclusion. God is waiting on us. He waits on us to act(go into action), so that He may perform His Word in our lives. Tradition and the religious veil some have over their eyes has prevented us from knowing this very thing. We talk and hear of how God is doing this and how we are waiting on the Lord, and (the best one) God's dealing with me on something.. We say we're leaving it up to the Lord and If it's God's will. There's a gozillion of these weak, pitiful sayings. These profess, only our ignorance and lack of faith. We pray for stuff, stuff we want, by the way, and ask while attempting to be holy. We bargain with God, If you'll do this Lord .....then I'll do....whew! Does this sound familiar? What does God possibly need that WE could give, to make a bargain....really! He don't need us, He IS GOD. He loves us (the world and all mankind), so deeply and unconditionally, that HE GAVE....not a trade, no sale here. He gave His only begotten Son. Yep, gave. That's right! While Jesus was here, walking on the earth, the Word with us, He didn't make any trades or barter any goods, either. He came, so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. That's what He said! HE GIVES IT TO US!!! It's as if we never knew this! Look around! If your not in some type of abundance, in life, NOW, how then do you honor Him and what He did for us. I know that's strong, it needs to be. If your offended, I'd encourage you to regain your mind and walk in love. Love is not offended. What, exactly, did he do to give us life? That is the question, isn't it? let's start with sin. We, because of our born nature, are sinners. Please see previous lesson on "Nature of Man". The penalty for sin is death. No two ways about it. Jesus came so we could be without sin and be saved from death. Yep, that's not nearly all, either. If you are not Jewish, you had no access to God or heaven, before Jesus. Jesus gave life to the gentile and all the world.
Jesus and God's plan, in all the Gospel holds for the believer, reversed the fall of Adam and NOW, we have a way to get back in communion with the Holy Father. Jesus, our intercessor and savior. He became sin and was killed. Everyone should say, "my sin was killed", "it has been put to death!" When God looks down on us, today, He don't see our wallering and sin, our weakness and short comings. He only sees His Son, Jesus. We are righteous, in Him! Did you hear? Do you believe? Because Jesus reversed what Adam did, we need to go back and find out what Adam had, so that we may know what we now have. Are you with me? God didn't move Adam and Eve and their children around, like chess pieces on the earth. He gave them free will. The same is true for us.
Let's start in Genesis 1:26. Here we find that we, let me repeat, WE, have dominion over this world. Yes sir, that is what I said. God(3) gave it to us. We didn't trade. He didn't give it so He could take it back every now and then, either. It is ours. Yet we hear how God is in control. This,usually to releave ourselves of ANY responsibility.Know this, He IS in authority, He IS God!,yet, HE GAVE US CONTROL. How do you think everything got so messed up? Not because He was in control, no sir! Some, ain't gonna like all this responsibility, but guess what. He gave it to us and it is us that needs to do, we ain't waiting on God, for anything. Your life and my life is a manifestation of our choices and decisions. Yes God is mighty to save and He is God, the life giver and provider for us all. The way He gives and provides is through His Word. So if your waiting on God to move for you, you might be waiting, a while. We are the ones that have to move, Not God. His work and provision are already! You may not have that yet, we'll get there. We may have to make this a multiple, this being part 1. The Word is filled with laws, principles and patterns for us to go by. What's that? You ain't been going by them......Don't know what they even are! Let's not get too far ahead, I am leaving out some crucial stuff and I don't want to leave anything out. The Word is and has been, for ALL time. It was here in the beginning, before the foundation of the world. It came to earth, by messenger(profits and angels). It was here with us, walking and living in flesh, as man, on earth. It is established in heaven, the psalmist tells us and is THE authority, for us to be under. It is, however, for us to establish, here in the earth. And I gotta back up again.....We not ready to establish, just yet. Anyway, we have got to move. We have to arm ourselves. We must receive what God has given in order to have it. We will start from here, next post.

Love you


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