Thursday, May 27, 2010

Distortion of Truth

Distortion of Truth

Recently, only days and hours ago, I was called a teacher of a false gospel. This, I was in the process of walking away from, when church tonight was on the very topic. Yes, the Holy Ghost has a sense of humor. I am a trumpet of the Lord, ordained and sent to give His message and truth. In love, I reveal this to all that were in this discussion, hoping it shall show His truth and shed light in the dark places. I do not this, for my defense, I need none. Let the word speak.

Are we sinners? Religion would tell you yes, definitely. God, says different in many places. We shall work through the Pauline revelation for this time in the truth.

One of the scriptures that is mistaken so often is Romans 3:10. As it is written, There is none righteous, NO, not one.

Why exactly why, that tradition has us embrace this "we are sinners" is beyond me. What is to be gained by being a sinner or called a sinner? “I’m just an ol sinner, saved by grace” I don’t think any other than, this is an identity crisis! You will never be what Father wants you to be, until you see yourself as Father see you. Now back to task. The teachings of Paul are so very consistent, it is difficult to think we could mistake him. The people he wrote to were old covenant people. They had been living under the law. Paul said. “there is no one righteous, as to the law, no not one. King Jimmy has done us no favors in the translation department. Although this is what was said, often, it is not the way it is translated. We have to look at the whole of Paul's teaching to see his intent. Why don’t most drop on down to verse 21, in the same chapter and pick up on what the Apostle is writing; But now the righteousness of God without the Law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the Prophets;

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto ALL and upon ALL them that believe: for there is no difference: For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. The AMP says the redemption that is provided by Christ Jesus.

All were sinners as to the Law, yet none are as to the grace and redemptive work of the cross. Wow, hallelujah!

Further, the wages of sin is death. Where there is no law how can there be sin. Where there is resurrection, how can there be death! God can not exist or dwell in the presence of sin. He lives in us! How can we be sinners?

II Cor 5: 15-17 amp

And He died for all, so that those who live might live no longer to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake. Consequently, from now on we estimate and regard no one from a purely human point of view, in terms of natural standards of value(sinner). No even though we once did estimate Christ from a human viewpoint and as a man, yet now we have such knowledge of Him that we know Him no longer in terms of flesh. Therefore if any person is ingrafted in Christ he is a new creation( a new creature altogether); the old previous, moral and spiritual condition{SINNER is a moral condition} has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come. This is us inChristed! Since Jesus died on the cross, we are not even to refer to ourselves, as to flesh. Sin is of the flesh. We are not sinners! Are you beginning to see Father’s truth?

We are sinners as to the Law, but righteous as to God’s grace and the finished work of the cross. Hallelujah and glory

Also curious, is the wide spread definition of sin. How can there be any sin when there is no law. We put iniquity, failings, contempt, anger, deceitfulness and all such, into one big bundle and call it sin. It never was. It had to violate the law to be sin. This sin could be atoned via sacrifice. All sin HAS BEEN atoned in this way, through Jesus. The ultimate sacrifice, Jesus, the only begotten Son. The Lamb slain, before the foundation of the world. One man’s action of pride of life, brought sin into the world and one Man’s action of love took sin out of the world.

I am certainly not a false teacher. I am a trumpet of the Lord, ordained by Him to take His message and spread His truth. I have only scratched the surface, in this. Search for yourselves, please. Paul is very consistent in God’s teaching. Let’s look at who he wrote to and when it was written. Rightly dividing God's word of truth. All are sinners when the law is the measure, None are, when grace is the measure. We live under GRACE! For He, who is the source of our prophesying, is not a God of confusion and disorder, but of peace and order. As is the practice of all God's people. 1 Cor 14:33

II Cor 5:19-21 amp

It was God, personally present in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself......taking away the sin, my wording.....not counting up and holding against men, their trespasses, but canceling them, and committing to us the message.......that sin has been canceled, my wording

As He is, so are we in the earth……We are one with Him….He is Jesus and He is no sinner.

Neither are we. Amen

Thank you brethren for hearing the word of the Lord


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