Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Who am I who was I

Who am I ? Who was I ?

I was corrupt and in the world.......He cleaned me up and seperated me for His pleasure and purpose
I was overwhelmed and fell short.......He forgave me and showed me His love
I lost my mind......... He gave me His
I was affraid and fled the light.............He made me the light and told me to shine to the world
I was sickly and weak.......He healed and restored me, whole, forever
I had many enemies.....He promised; no weapon formed against me, would prosper
I had no confidence...He assured my success...Whom shall I fear?
I had no knowledge or understanding....He revealed Himself to me and made me complete
I thought I dissapointed God.... He loves me and is well pleased...wants to spend time with me, daily...He knows my name...HE IS NOT MAD AT ME
I sought to gain His approval...It was a wasted effort, He created me in His image
I didn't know He trusted me......He gave me dominion over the world
I did not know if I would win......He won for me and allows me victories, every day
Tradition had me lined up to fail....He allowed His word in my heart and I overcame tradition
I did not know what to believe.....I was delivered from unbelief
I wondered where I'd end up...He made me a citizen of the kingdom.
I needed a purpose......He ask me to follow Him and made me a part of the Royal Preisthood
I was accused by the world......He made me righteous
The enemy said, "yeh, but you are still poor".....He told me I was delivered from lack, it had been defeated and He owned the cattle on a thousand hillsides, And I...(AM), joint heir
I thought I was empty....He gave me All things, filled me with His Spirit, and surrounded me with His love
I then ask for blessing....He said all is yours, already...only learn to receive what has been given
I needed direction.....He illuminated my path and ordered my steps
I needed strength..........He gave me His power
I hadn't enough faith....He gave me His
I wanted assurance.......He gave me His promises....and had them written down
I wanted to get through to God....Jesus Is my intercessor
I cried because I was alone.....He sent, the promise of God, His Spirit, to live in me
I wanted a family.....He called me son

.......Thanks Dad......


......"Yes...yes you can".....

"I will never leave you.....The Holy Spirit lives in you....We are ONE!"

He had to go away.......

He ask me to be Him... until He comes back

How will I know If I am doing it right?......

Signs and wonders will follow you

Are You sure???....

YES.... Do it in MY NAME

Love you

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Nicolaitanes

Greetings Saints,
As promised, A study of this false doctrine and it's spirit. This spirit is alive and thriving in the body today. This is a source of confusion and is readily grasped by many church goers, today. So let's get into it, and please, as always, get confirmation in God's word.
The word Nicolaitanes is given to describe a group of adherents to a christian heresy. This is a wrong teaching, with false doctrine, hence the word heresy is appropriately applied. The word is greek. A compound word made of three root words. Because this is a proper noun, it is translated to English in the form you read here. The first root word, from the greek is, Nikos. This is defined as; a conquest; triumph; conquered; and by implication, dominancy over the defeated. The second root word is, laos, people. The Nikos-laos, another use is Nicolas (english), means; one who is victorious over the people. Laos, means laymen and further, laiton; a Greek phrase meaning the laity. The third root in Nicolaitanes, is ton, as we seen in laiton. This, Nickos-laos-ton, becomes Nicolaitanes, a proper noun, in English, meaning; the bishops and prelates of the Church have gained a triumphal victory or conquest over the laiton, or laity, until they have been compelled to submit to the arbitrary dominion of men who have become that thing that God hates! The saddest thing thus far, may be, that there are those in the Christian Church, who do not hold to the doctrines of the Nicolaitanes, yet practice their deeds of dominating the laity by lording it over the Church of Jesus Christ, no matter the denomination. This Church, which should be subject only to one Divine Master. It is worthy to note that often, these have assumed this lordship because they are esteemed very highly in love for their work's sake, but have become vainly puffed up, in their fleshly mind. Brothers!, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees."

Now, moving on, I could easily go deep into history and tell of the first Roman Church and say much of the first seven deacons, in the early church. One of which was named Nicholas, who is often credited with Nicholaism. He was granted this title, not by his own will, but by others seeking to lend credibility to the doctrines. And we could hang about and discuss much history. This not the purpose, at all, let's speak of more relevant matters. Getting to the beginning and on to today, with understanding. Nicolaitane or follower of Nicolas, had its origin in Nimrod. Nimrod was the first Nicholas. Genesis 10:8 Nimrod, with in 200 years of the flood, had conquered the people and founded civilization. During his life, he commanded his subjects to worship him, rather than God. He was later, after his death, called Baal. Now I'm not going to try to get you to stop your Christmas traditions, but another name for him was Santa. YES, Saint Nicholas is Santa Claus. Many unknowingly honor Nimrod every December 25th. This is not the focus of this study, yet it could not be omitted. We all know Santa is not dominating us......hopefully.
Lets go to a few scriptures. 1 Timothy 5:17. Let the elders that rule well, meaning to guide - lead - preside well, be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labour in the word and doctrine. Wonder why to lead and guide is stressed and nothing of drive, dictate or dominate is referenced. The way Matthew states it in Matthew 23:8-11 There is but one Divine head and all else are servants. The Nicolaitanian spirit is active today. Church boards and deacons out of scriptural harmony with God, ruling over, and stating who may and who may not. God hates their deeds, I tell you. There have been many denominations started on the precept of a man being over another. How did we get so far out of wack? Deacons, who are supposed to be lower than any member and serving all, helping others above themselves, how did this office get to become the chief administrators in traditional churches today? Having more say than anyone and most assuredly, giving a false pretence of authority in any church, exercising dominion over the laity. And, albut forsaking the qualifications of this office, while replacing them with others, that were never intended, but make one feel superior today. Well he is man of one wife! Some will gladly add living wife....But he don't read, study or pray. If he did, understanding of those last two entries would be known. Must be filled with the Holy Ghost! Don't even know Him and openly refute His gifts. Must be an example in life as one who has experience, spiritually. Yet, lives defeated, sick feeble, and little or no witness, not apt to teach and does not know. Deacons were not meant to lord over or run the church, any church. A dictator bishop is just as common and just as out of line. Lead, guide, and submit to the head>>.. No not you pastor, not you teacher, wait a minute, Elder, the Holy Ghost is the head. The clergy is not to be exalted. We all have done it, one way or another. Let's go with what Jesus says, "he who desires to be first, must be last."
These doctrines are not only limited to leadership. Lets talk of some others. Jude 1:4 warns of ungodly men, who were,"turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness." The Nicolaitanes were willing to accept Jesus as their savior but not their Lord and Master. Sound familiar? Luke 6:46 Jesus ask why do you call me Lord and not do what I say. Like other false teachings, of that time and this, the Gnostics shared a common view of spiritual knowledge through mystical experiences. They foolishly believed that this knowledge alone was sufficient for salvation. Sorta like today, tradition speaks; believe in Jesus and go to heaven. Leaving out much needed repentance and confession. How many line the church benches, having not a relationship or experience that is genuine. Do you see how dangerous and why Jesus hates the deeds of this doctrine. The Revelation of Jesus Christ mentions, Nicolaitanes twice in chapter 2. It is both, deeds and doctrines, mentioned to the two churches in Verses 6, and 15. The Lord demands repentance on the part of those who hold and practice these things and He threatens drastic punishment if they do not obey Him:
"Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth," (Revelation 2:16).
We must be on our guard, always, for false doctrines. In a religious setting, laced with some good old familiar tradition and a sensation of comfort, we just may not see it right off. God is not the author of confusion and His word is plain. You can't think your way saved and man is not to have dominion over another in an ecclesiastical setting. This is easier to see in some denominations than others, but, none are exempt. Anywhere there is authority, there is an opportunity for it to be mishandled. ALL authority is given of God. And anywhere salvation is explained without repentance, it's a miss. You can ABC til the cows come home and it won't mean a thing until there is repentance. Salvation is a gift of Grace and can not be earned. Believe in your heart...not your head. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Confess Jesus! and Speak Life to everyone, Jesus came, so that we may HAVE...Life. My hope, is that this ministers to you.
Love ya